
1. The Risk Management Centre of EVA reports directly to the Internal Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, and is authorised by the Board of Directors to investigate all frauds, corruption and violations of rules.  The Risk Management Centre carries out its work with complete independence.  It is objective and impartial, and reports directly to the Board of Directors without any restriction.

2. Complaints that will be handled: 
Abuse of power or receiving benefits by unfair means, withholding money, corruption, misappropriation of assets, theft of funds from the company or other people, receiving bribes or kickbacks, and other fraudulent behaviours and violations of rules.
3. Both named and anonymous complaints will be accepted.  We encourage complainants to let us know their names to facilitate our investigations.  It is our policy to let all named complainants know the results of our investigations.  If the fraudulent act reported is proven to be true, appropriate financial reward will be offered to the complainants.  We implement stringent rules to protect the identity of the complainants.  Heavy penalties will be imposed on those who improperly disclose information about the complainants.
4. Reporting methods:
4-1. Designated email for reporting:
Designated email address: fanwubi@eva-group.com
Email address of the responsible person of Risk Management Centre: xiaoliting@eva-group.com

4-2. Designated hotline for reporting:
Designated anti-fraud hotline: 0755-27629999-2600
Mobile: 13728932577
Hotline to the Internal Audit Department: 0755-27629999-2601
Mobile: 18126271122 

4-3. Reporting by mail: 
Address: 7th Floor, Block 4, EVA Guangdong Shenzhen (Shiyan) Electronic Industrial Park, No. 11 Guo Tai Road, Tang Tou Community, Shi Yan Town, Bao An District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
Postcode: 518108
Address: Director, Risk Management Centre